View from the Library

Half way done. Ancient Greek Religion final, check. Tomorrow will be the assault of my advanced french language final. Ugh.

Currently, I have the fabulous view from a spacious table in the basement library– the AV room to be exact. One wall is all windows looking out on the library arcade, and that is where my distracted gaze moves to when I want some amusement. It’s slippery all over campus these days, and the path leading from Commons to the library– one that is frequently traveled these days– is slick with ice. Loaded up with heavy backpacks, trudging from exam to exam, students dutifully make their way across campus, slipping and sliding the whole way. I am one of them, to be honest. I have had the embarrassing experience of taking a spill in front of what seems like the entire school. It isn’t that bad. It’s funny, and just another quirk of going to school in a place that experiences real winter. You learn to embrace it.

Have to get back to demonstrative pronouns now, hope you understand. Next stop– home!

About nbrouder
I'm a senior at Bates College getting ready for thesis and the real world!

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